The two main social events in the CUAS calendar are the annual dinner in Lent term and the garden party in Easter term. After each talk refreshments are provided and people often stay outside the lecture theatre to talk. Pub socials, quiz nights etc. can be organised if there is enough interest. If you have any ideas for socials, please contact a member of the committee.
Traditionally, CUAS holds an annual dinner every Lent term which is open to all members of CUAS – both those still studying at Cambridge and those who have graduated. In Lent 2018 our annual dinner commemorated the 75th anniversary of CUAS and we were lucky enough to hear from Dr Roderick Willstrop and David Purchase about the inception of CUAS and its early history. A recording of their speeches can be accessed here and a transcript of Roderick Willstrop’s speech can be found here.
We also have recordings of the addresses made during the 50th anniversary of CUAS by the late Professor Donald Lynden-Bell and Dr David Dewhirst, which can be found here and here.
Every summer CUAS hosts a garden party joint with other science societies which in the past have included CUPS, BioSoc and CUCATS. Look out for emails in Easter term about buying tickets.